Friday, November 14, 2008

The Past Week

Hello there. I haven't been posting much. But here is a long one for ya! Well the past weekend I went to a canyon party saturday night and it was great I helped my dad DJ and he said I did a really good job and I was very proud. Except for when I tried to bust out some Van Halen and he was like "STOP THE MADNESS NO NO STOP IT!!" So apart from that slip up it was great! Then on Sunday we went to Santa Ana for a really cute arts and craft like sale thing. Then we drove up the have a family dinner. It was so good and so much fun and Tia Hama made mole from scratch and it was very good. Then we had a girls sleep over and Tia Cita's and we got to watch Desperate Housewives and we gossiped about it then we watched more tv and went to sleep. The next morning we drove to Laguna and got in-n-out on the way then we walked by the Boom boom room and looked at the beach for maybe and hour. It was a really good day weekend!! And today I'm going to Disneyland after school!! Thanks to all my Tias and Tios who got me my pass!! Thank you!! I love it!! Anyways then I'm going home and sitting at home and catching up on all the weeks tv I missed. But this week has been amazing to say the least!!

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